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Holbein's Acrylic Ink 100ml

Artists' Quality - Artists' Quality

•Capacity: 100ml

•Brand: Holbein

•Origin: Japan - Made in Japan



- The color has high fluidity like ink, the flow is smooth and not easy to clog.

- Versatile - suitable for use with: Brush, dip pen, Technical Pen, Airbrush, and as ink for Marker.

- Suitable for use with all water-based colors (unmixed) and can be used to create large washes and background tones when painting watercolor.

- The amount of "pigments" is as large and dense as other Holbein Acrylic lines

- The color is extremely fresh and even - does not change color when dry

- ASTM D-4236 non-toxic certification


Instructions for reading color chart symbols:

•Light fastness (Resistant to fading over time)/Lightfastness:

P0: Not permanent (Not Permanent)

P1: Low (Not Durable)

P2: Moderately Durable

P3: High (Permanent)

P4: Absolutely Permanent


O1: Transparent

O2: Semi-Transparent

O3: Semi-Opaque

O4: Opaque

Holbein's Acrylic Ink 100ml

Color - Colors
  • Holbein is a leading brand specializing in manufacturing painting products from Japan. As a long-standing company, Holbein's quality is indisputable, highly reputable and trusted by many people. Currently, Holbein is not only present in Asia but also in many places around the world such as North America, Europe...



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